Professor Christina Fotopoulou trained in in obstetrics and gynaecology and subspecialized in gynaecological oncology at the Charité University Hospital of Berlin in the surgical and systemic treatment of women with advanced gynaecological malignancies. She is since 2013 a Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist in the Imperial College London Healthcare Trust in Queen Charlottes Hospital in London, and is a principal investigator of the Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre, UK. She also holds a chair at the Charite University of Berlin.
She has been the Vice Director of the Clinic for Gynecology at the Charité in Berlin, one of the largest reference and accredited centers for gynecological cancer in Europe, as well the Principal Coordinator of the European Competence Center for Ovarian Cancer.
Her principal area of expertise lies in exenterative procedures for advanced forms of pelvic malignancies, in the cytoreductive procedures for primary or relapsed ovarian cancer and the investigation of predictive and prognostic biomarkers of surgical and clinical outcome. Her further area of focus is bioengineering and implementation of novel bioengineering methods in cytoreductive surgery for advanced ovarian cancer.
She the lead of the guidelines group of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society, member of the QA Committee for Ovarian Cancer surgery of ESGO and member of the German AGO- Ovarian Cancer Steering Group and Guidelines.
She is on the editorial board and reviewer of numerous international gynaecological and oncological journals and is a member of various international oncological committees, including BGCS, ASCO, ESGO, IGCS, ESMO, ENGOT, AGO, SGO and NOGGO.